Charity Event
Saba Kamal and Stella Wang with Maxine Hong Kingston and Maryem
Charity Event
Donating bags
Charity Event
2017 Annual Conference
Conference Attendees
Part of the Faculty
HOC Staff
With Dr. Watt and Kim McVeigh (MAYO)
With Dr. Buncke and Dr. Blatz and Kim
With Dr. Costorous
Hand Transplant Therapy Discussion
With the board
Dr. Curtin Demonstrating
Dr. Chi, Dr. Momeni, Dr. Ramachandran
Introducing Dr. Ramachandran
Dr. Chi and Dr. Momeni
Introducing Dr. Chi
Brainstorming with Dr. Costorous, Dr. Immerman, Bill Sinernger
With Kimberly McVeigh
With Dr. Blatz
Q & A with Dr. Watt
HOC Staff at the Conference
Talk given in India 2016
Hosted Modalities Course
Saba giving a talk on Arthrtitis
Stella Talking on Repetitive stress injury talk
Repetitive Stress Injury Talk
Alice presenting her poster at American Occupational Therapy Association’s centennial celebration
Athletes / Actors treated
JP with HOC Staff
GG of Shah’s of Sunset
Matt Neito San Jose Sharks
JP fruttero with all the tapes for his arm
JP Fruttero
Kimani Jones Saber Cats
Conferences hosted / Talks given
Conference Chair 2016
Introducing Dr. Brody (SOAR) 2016
Dr. Curtin (Stanford) 2016
2016 Conference Chair
Dr. Chang (Stanford Chief of Plastics) and Dr. Buncke
2015 Conference
Discussion with Dr. Chang 2015
2015 Conference Chair
Conference Chair 2015
Italian Conference
Teaching to Italian Therapist
Greater Los Angeles Host
Greater Los Angeles reivew
Stella & Alice
Community education on Arthritis
Receiving Award
Saba Kamal Teaching in India
Hosting a meeting at HOC
HOC Staff with Charles Costello
Modalities Course
Modalities Course
Teaching other therapists
Teaching Taping Tech
Teaching Manual Therapy
Fun Activities at HOC with patients and staff participating in it
80s day
Animal Day
Animal day
Christmas Party with staff and patients
Crazy T-Shirt day
Christmas party
Halloween Patient dressed up as popemobile
Hero’s & Villains
Halloween with staff and patients
Hero’s & Villains Patients and Staff
Nerd Day
HOC nerds
Pat getting blessed by Hospice Chaplin and Hospice Massage Therapist
Pokemon day
Patient wearing HOC relax T-Shirt
Sports Fever day
Outing with Staff and Patients
We Fix
Turkey Trot 2015