Injuries are common with sports. They can range from impingement or tendonitis symptoms in a Swimmer; to laxity or labrum tears in a Baseball Pitcher; to biceps tear in Weightlifters; or rotator cuff tear with strenuous activities. At Hands-On-Care we treat all sports related injuries.
We use Laser to hasten the athlete’s recovery and get them back to their respective sport. We have fabricated custom splints for our Pro ice hockey players or our soccer goalies. We simulate the baseball hitting or tennis techniques in the clinic. We also include taping in our treatment to get the athlete on the field ASAP.
Some professional athletes we have treated:
- Bobby Hill
- John Paul Fruttero
- Ryan Nyquist
Including several of the San Jose Sharks:
- Adam Burish
- Joe Thornton
- Tommy Wingles
- Justin Braun
- Mirco Mueller
- Joel Ward
- Matt Nieto
And more!
Reinstated Hand & Upper Extremity Therapy program at the Rangers Stadium in Texas
Presented on Hand Rehab and the Athlete at AT&T park in San Francisco, CA at the 2010 Baseball Medicine conference.
Given workshops on Sports Medicine for the Upper Quadrant– includes Splinting and Taping in various cities in US to therapists.
Sports Treatment Guides
Check out our return to Tennis program