As specialists in Upper Extremity, we treat all injuries or diseases that affect the neck, shoulder, elbow, arm, wrist, and hand. From athletes with sports injuries, to musicians who suffer from repetitive injuries, to pain and stiffness from arthritis, to shoulder problems that arise after radical mastectomy, to carpal tunnel during pregnancy or tendonitis in the thumb post pregnancy while caring for the young infant, to occupational injuries that are so frequent in our fast-paced society.
What We Treat
We all at some point in our life suffer from arthritis, but arthritis is a very manageable condition. We design a program that a person can follow to prevent painful surgeries. Use of splints, modalities followed by exercises delay the progression of arthritis and maintain pain free functioning to enjoy daily activities.
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
Please click this link to see products we recommend patients with EDS use. Living with joint hypermobility – a hand therapist’s perspective To imagine the life of someone living with hypermobility, one has to first understand how joints are constructed and supported. Think of our joints as the connection between each building block that stack…
Occupational Injuries
In our fast paced society occupational injuries are abundant. We provide with the appropriate customized Ergo Solutions to help patient return to work asap and prevent lost wages.
Pregnancy is that time of life where you are looking to the future with your baby, preparing and planning for joyous beginnings. This time should be anything but painful, however some women will experience carpal tunnel symptoms during pregnancy and we can provide with a plan to manage those symptoms until delivery. After delivery some moms will experience pain in the thumb while lifting their baby and that is easily treated with splints and myofascial techniques along with correct holding and lifting of the baby to help reduce pain and enjoy the time with your baby.
Breast Cancer – Radical Mastectomy
Going through breast cancer surgery is painful enough, one shouldn’t have to deal with the after effects of stiff shoulder or nerve pain or lymphedema after it. In a few visits you can learn how to maintain your ROM and strength in the shoulder and avoid future nerve symptoms.
Sports Injuries
We treat all sports injuries from rotator cuff injuries in the shoulder to fractures, laceration with customized exercise program, custom splints for them to return to play asap. We have treated players from major sports teams like Sharks and Saber Cats in addition to tennis, BMX, MMA players
Musician Injuries
We consider musicians as athletes, long hours of playing, static positions can take a toll on their body, and if combined with incorrect positions can ruin their music careers. We provide a comprehensive program to correct technique, build strength and endurance to sustain long static positions without pain and make playing music joyful again.