Shoulder Exercises

Shoulder    This is a guideline. Please discuss with your therapist before starting these exercises. This is a general guideline that will assist you in getting your shoulder back to normal In addition to Taping the shoulder for rotator cuff tendonitis, your therapist should instruct you in ROM exercises followed with strengthening.  Avoid active overhead…

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Elbow Exercises

Elbow Exercises: Tennis elbow Stiff elbow Cubital tunnel TENNIS ELBOW Keeping the arm relaxed elbow straight, shoulder relaxed, bend the wrist and fingers with the other hand Keeping the shoulder depressed, extend the arm backwards, elbow straight, turn the palm out (getting bribe position), lift the wrist up and then curl the fingers. You will…

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Wrist Exercises

Wrist Exercises Carpal Tunnel Wrist Stiffness s/p fracture wrist Wrist Tendonitis TFCC Ganglion Carpal Instability CMC arthritis Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Since Median Nerve involvement can occur at the Wrist and at the neck (Double Crush) treating both areas is extremely important. If you are on the computer you can download a break program that monitors…

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