Hands-On-Care, specializing in shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand therapy.
Custom Splints
Custom Splints
The pre-fabricated splints that are currently available do not meet the requirement for all type of injuries and may not provide the proper fit. Custom splinting designed by the therapist is made to fit the patient based on a particular diagnosis. Certified Hand Therapists have detailed knowledge of Hand Problems in order for them to provide with the appropriate splint.
Custom made thumb arthritis splint
Thumb arthritis splint
Early motion with PIP dorsal dislocation
PIP dislocation splint
Finger stiffness
Early motion finger fracture Grade II and III
Mallet splint customized
Mallet splint
Mallet with swan neck
Oval 8 for swan neck / hyper mobility
UCL splint
Dequervains tenosynovitis
Saggital band splint
Saggital band
Yolk splint for Saggital Band Injuries
LMB for stiff PIP joint
Dynamic extension splint for boutonniere deformity post surgery early motion protocol