Young patient presents with lawnmower injury with multiple finger fractures and soft tissue injuries 6 weeks post op
Dominant Index finger fracture fused at the PIP joint
Middle central slip repair with fracture P1
Ring FDP repair with communited fracture P2
Instructions to start gentle ROM
This is what we did
Kept the PIP joint in ext as it was still healing. We wrapped a relative motion splint around it with MP in flexion for the middle finger and ring in extension
This allowed the index to heal, middle to assist with central slip healing and ring to allow for FDP glide at 6 weeks post op.
Fractures were still healing so patient (who was already very scared to move it ) was instructed to move it but not use it. Of if used has to be for very light activities like picking up keys etc.
X-Rays after 3 months
Bones still healing
3 months AP view 3 Months Lateral
PIP fused, Middle healing at P1, ring healing at P2
Pt. is still restricted with heavy activities but is able to do diving which he enjoys
Patient returned to his daily activities. Needed fusion at his DIP joint of the middle finger.