August 11,2018.
In the patients own words

I’ve been waiting to post this as my “hand incident” has been ever-changing since my injury on August 11,2018. Fireworks can be very dangerous. I won’t tell you to avoid them but I will tell you to use extreme caution with them. We were houseboating, celebrating a friend’s birthday and I was lighting mortar fireworks. The second mortar never launched and I made the mistake of inspecting it when it exploded, removing my thumb above the metacarpal, removing my index tip and wreaking havoc on the rest of my right (dominant) hand. I was airlifted to Modesto Doctors General and ambulanced to the Buncke Clinic at CPMC in San Francisco. Carolyn had no idea where I was sent until my call the following morning. The abridged story: Over the next 19 months I underwent six surgeries: Initial bone sets/pins, leg muscle flap transfer to cover the wound, three tendon tenolysis/capsulotomies, a toe-thumb transfer, a debulking and infection clean-out. Dr. Gregory Buncke is a magician. His staff, including Dr. Rudolph Buntic and Dr. Andrew Watt are fantastic surgeons. They put me back together. Their work would be all for not if it weren’t for the incredible occupational therapy I received by Saba Kamal and her staff at Hands On Care in San Jose. 3/week and then 2/week for 19 months. We became good friends and I am forever indebted to them for my recovery. My last OT appointment was yesterday! Carolyn Waller has been my rock of support, love and encouragement through all of this and I am very grateful that she is my partner. The calls, concern and prayers from friends and family have been wonderfully supportive. I am so blessed to have these resources. I learned to do everything left-handed… writing, eating, shaving and today I am doing everything right-handed again… writing, playing golf, scootering with Carolyn and throwing softballs with Morgan.

Funny side of David, who got Saba to touch his feet, she would always say, i dont treat anything stinky, no teeth, no feet but dave found a way for Saba to address the foot and then snapped this picture.

Classic Dave and his humor.

David’s graduation

For more videos on this case please visit here